Not asking about power via USB micro connector. What kind of JST connector is required? There are lots of different connectors known generically as JST.
Does anyone know the tolerance +/-V for battery supply. Is there a voltage regulator on the board?
The reason I require this information and the reason it should have prominence in product specifications and FAQs is to know whether rechargeable batteries may be used.
Can I use two NiMH? How many? 2 x 1.2V = 2.4V or 3 x 1.2V = 3.6V
What about LiPo batteries e.g. from mobile phones or those used for RC models (for example) at 3.3V & 3.7V
If anyone can tell me specifically which JST connector to use and what battery voltages are OK, I can make and/or re-purpose my own battery packs.