How often do you get a book from a bookcase in your home?
I like books, but they are definitely declining in my life. I seem to acquire a book, read it and then just store it, I don't tend to re-read them.
I have 11 bookcases with a total of 52 shelves, but only about half are used for books. It is not a pleasant thought to think I really don't need any bookcases.
I also do a lot of online reading and I have a kindle and a Kobo.
Have you gone paperless?
Have you switched entirely to video?
How many minutes a day do you listen to a radio?
How often do you touch your smart phone in a day?
Do you watch more video on your smart phone than your TV?
Do you have a landline?
Do you still read newspapers?
Does all your content now come from the Internet?
My kids would answer all of these questions very differently from me.
I am trying to get some insight into how changing demographics will dictate what will be popular on this forum.