This is my first post on the new site, a follow-up to I've Got To Get Me One Of These!
I'll have to admit that navigating the new site software and structure has been challenging, so it will be interesting if this works out...
I naively had thought that I could swap Raspbian OS SD cards between a RPi Zero W and Zero 2W - and that does work if you start with a recent version of the OS that knows what a Zero 2W is. Of course, I was trying an SD card from an older Zero W - so that did not work.
I also wanted to try the MotionEyeOS on the Zero 2W since I've used that with the Zero W. Unfortunately, the latest released image version is from last year - 20200606 - and that did not work. I had hoped to see if I could get about the same performance as an RPi 3.
There's a lot of info on how to build your own update to MotionEyeOS, but I wasn't up to the challenge. There was also the suggestion to install MotionEye (non-OS on the RaspbianOS, but luckily I found that "jawsper" had built a version of MotionEyeOS that would run on the Zero 2W: MotionEyeOS_RPi_Zero_2W. For my inaugural blog, I'm going to try that out.
Here is the Zero 2W with the camera in the official Raspi case. I 3D printed a clip so that I could tripod mount it. The power to the microUSB is from a power adapter, but I think I'll use a USB power bank to make it portable.
This is the MotionEye Console with the image preview and the video settings below that. I set the resolution to 800x600 and the framerate to 15 FPS.
And a short video streaming to a different browser window - there is a slight bit of lag.
I'll post this and hope that the video converted ok.