Having a look around element14 Community there's some great questions being asked! Did you know that when you create a discussion question on element14 Community you need to indicate that it is a question in order for the discussion to be created as a question?
By marking indicating your discussion as a question you're helping your chances in getting the question answered. Additionally - if questions are created correctly they will show up in special open question widgets to help highlight your questions more often so fellow members can help you out. Finally, when questions are posted and someone responds with an answer you can award points to someone when their answer as "helpful" or "correct" to help them gain credibility on elment14 Community.
Step 1) To make sure you're creating questions correctly - make sure you're checking the box in the image below:
Step 2) When someone responds with an reply select replies as either "Correct" or "Helpful"
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Nicole, element14 Community Manager
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