I am trying to find MaaXBoard shcematics with no luck. Any links?
I am trying to find MaaXBoard shcematics with no luck. Any links?
A block diagram is available here: MaaxBoard RT
Schematic and BOM are not available I guess. The board is not open source.
Have you considered the MaaXBoard 8ULP from Avnet? It is significantly cheaper than the NXP EVK.
Hi bodrohini and jiedummy.
I am using Maaxboard-RT (and have several projects published). If I can help (w/o schematics)...
I like the board: pretty powerful, and I have designed a HAT (breakout board for it, for my needs, e.g. QSPI).
Hi bodrohini and jiedummy.
I am using Maaxboard-RT (and have several projects published). If I can help (w/o schematics)...
I like the board: pretty powerful, and I have designed a HAT (breakout board for it, for my needs, e.g. QSPI).