I am trying to find MaaXBoard shcematics with no luck. Any links?
I am trying to find MaaXBoard shcematics with no luck. Any links?
A block diagram is available here: MaaxBoard RT
Schematic and BOM are not available I guess. The board is not open source.
Hi bodrohini and jiedummy.
I am using Maaxboard-RT (and have several projects published). If I can help (w/o schematics)...
I like the board: pretty powerful, and I have designed a HAT (breakout board for it, for my needs, e.g. QSPI).
You may contact your Avnet FAE for assistance in obtaining schematics through an NDA.
This document may also be helpful to get started.
MaaXBoard-8ULP-User-Guide-v1.0.pdf (avnet.com)
You may contact your Avnet FAE for assistance in obtaining schematics through an NDA.
This document may also be helpful to get started.
MaaXBoard-8ULP-User-Guide-v1.0.pdf (avnet.com)