Navigation Widget for devtools
Injecting from file:
Story IntroductionThis project is supposed to make my basement smarter and secured - because somebody stole my stuff in the past. So main feature will be when somebody will intrude my basement, I recieve a notification. Also I need to arm alarm ...
............Step by Step, to build one Smart Fridge on Azure IoT Hub! ............
1. To Dig MT3620 Kits and Discovery Azure Cloud behind
2. Build and Make the smart Control-Hub with MT3620 Kit and Thermo 7 Click
3. Configuration and Play with …
IntroductionIn this blog, I'll demonstrate how I connected a Heart Rate Sensor to the Avnet MT3620 kit. The Beats Per Minute are calculated and displayed on an attached OLED Display. The RED LED will indicate the users heart beat.. players...