Does the PIC18LF67K40 work only in onchip integrated debug mode or can also in incircuit serial programming via two pins?
Does the PIC18LF67K40 work only in onchip integrated debug mode or can also in incircuit serial programming via two pins?
I am not sure, whether I fully understood your question. However, if you connect target PIC via 5 pins: Vdd, Vss, -MCLR/Vpp, ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK to a programmer/debugger (like PICkit, ICD etc.), you will be able both program and debug the PIC.
I am not sure, whether I fully understood your question. However, if you connect target PIC via 5 pins: Vdd, Vss, -MCLR/Vpp, ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK to a programmer/debugger (like PICkit, ICD etc.), you will be able both program and debug the PIC.