Does the PIC18LF67K40 work only in onchip integrated debug mode or can also in incircuit serial programming via two pins?
Does the PIC18LF67K40 work only in onchip integrated debug mode or can also in incircuit serial programming via two pins?
I am not sure, whether I fully understood your question. However, if you connect target PIC via 5 pins: Vdd, Vss, -MCLR/Vpp, ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK to a programmer/debugger (like PICkit, ICD etc.), you will be able both program and debug the PIC.
Have you seen click tab for documents. Much info there.
@David Koudela and BB-Sphere (Clem),
In the datasheet of PIC18LF67K40(page 4), three features are listed under the section "Programming/Debug Features"
1.In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP
) via Two Pins
2. In-Circuit Debug (ICD) with Three Breakpoints via Two Pins
3. Debug Integrated On-Chip
But in the next page(5), it is mentioned as "I" under the column "Debug" of Table 1.The legend corresponding to I says "Debugging Methods: (I) – Integrated on Chip"
So my question is whether this particular PIC has only ' Debug Integrated On-Chip" feature. Orelse, we can do debug using debugger like PICit3.
Link for datasheet:
The datasheet list the points you mentioned, but I am afraid it is just "marketing".
In order to support debugging, the PIC has an on chip circuitry. Have a look at page 811 of the datasheet, it lists the possible compilers, simulators, programmers and debugger. PICkit3 or newer (please note there is a PICkit4) will work just fine. Or ICD3 (there is also ICD4 which should be OK). You will need to connect the five pins mentioned in my previous post.
I hate fanciness where technical writing should be done Good job koudelad