I have installed the P&E driver.
Under the device heading of Jungo, I am supposed to see two devices "WinDriver",
and, "PEMicro OpenSDA Debug", but I only ever see the former.
When I run the Basic "GDB Server Kinetis", and I select the
"OpenSDA Embedded Debug - USB Port" interface, I see no Port in the
Port drop down menu. But, in Device Manager, I see a port called
"OpenSDA - CDC Serial Port (http://www.pemicro.com/opensda) (COMx)"
The COM port number varies, depending on how many times I install, uninstall, and so on.
I have been trying for weeks to sort this out. At the moment, I am approaching the point
of considering a total redesign, with the aim of removing anything remotely related to
Freescale. If I had any idea, that I would have had such trouble, I would have chosen
something else.
David leComte