I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
cat looks bored...
Actually there is time to do processing during vertical blanking, around 2.86 milliseconds at the end of each 30 millisecond frame for 525 line NTSC video.
You might be able to squeeze in a few cycles during horizontal blanking also but there are only about 10 microseconds at the end of each of the 525 lines
for two 30 milisecond frames. NTSC is interlaced so it takes two 30 millisecond frames for 525 lines.
Don Lancaster was one of the greats in early hobbyist electronics. I was a big fan of his during late 60's and 70's when he wrote many articles for
Radio Electronics and Popular Electronics magazines.
I'd not heard much of Don Lancaster in the UK unfortunately, the magazines available here were more locally produced, but I remember seeing his Guru's Lair website at uni and finding it intriguing! I didn't really understand it at the time though. Perhaps it was amongst the first electronics sites on the WWW, at least it was the only one that stood out with substantial content when 'surfing the net'.
I built a composite video display for my 6502 (AIM 65) based on an MC6847.
I think I still have it.
These chips still seem to be available for less than $10.
That sounds interesting, was it difficult to do? Any tips on where to find guidance on implementing such a 6502 &6847 project? Thanks mark