I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I looked at the data sheet and saw a pin labeled 'Y' what does that mean?
It's the luminance output. Basically the black and white part of the output.
The colour difference signals are on pins 10 and 11.
The outputs were intended to go to another chip that would generate NTSC or PAL coded video which could then go to a rf modulator to give an output for a television.
nick123 Which product are you working with? What are you building?
A resource for 65xx development: Western Design Center (WDC) Home of 65xx Microprocessor Technology
As with the question from michaelkellett I am also curious why you are going with such an old chip (brought back a lot of old memories). My old company (Datapoint of San Antonio TX USA) in the 1970s abandoned the 6502 for the Zilog Z80 which was a leap over both the 6502 & 8080 in many ways back then - but all 3 limited to 64K RAM back then without mapping tricks.
Even though this has been answered, I wanted to add a better answer that will lead the parent (or others) in the right direction.
The definitive must read books on how to generate a composite video out from a 6502 (or any microprocessor from that era or since) are "The TV Typewriter cookbook", "The Cheap Video Cookbook", and "The Son of Cheap Video Cookbook".
They are all written by the hacker emeritus before there were hackers Don Lancaster. I am sure by understanding the methods there that they can be transposed to modern day designs (if you search for implementing a composite video output).
Where other posters in this thread have said "it can't be done" "because timings" the fact is that Don Lancaster showed that it could indeed be done with a few amazing and simple hacks.
Good point Phil - I am sure I still have "The Cheap Video Cookbook".....somewhere.
I have all Don’s books in dead trees format from my youth .. I cut my teeth on the Apple 2 ...
Don is giving them away free here in pdf format
Good link Lagi !
I also recommend Lancaster's books. They will give you a good understanding on how video output was created in the '70s and '80s. I used his "cheap video" on a KIM-1 before moving on to a SSM (Solid State Music) S-100 board for simple alphanumeric display, then later, a Hal Chamberlain 32k graphics S-100 board for the then-boosted KIM-1 (48k RAM, text and graphics video, a dozen S-100 slots, 400+ watt power supply, etc.).
Be aware that Lancaster's Cheap Video uses CPU timing to generate the video, which means that while doing so, the CPU doesn't have any cycles to run other software. The Sinclair ZX80 used the same trick. The result was a display that would flicker when typing and blank momentarily when running a program, but would reappear once the program paused or finished. All of which allowed video generation with only a few cheap DIP ICs. Not bad at all!