I had bought a couple of Omega2 boards a while back and I thought I would use one for this project.
The scope of the project was to use the GPIO to drive four Relays since it is a four Zone sprinkler System. Have Crontab pull the GPIO HIGH/LOW at a given time to drive the Relays to water the Lawn.
I found out there are only three GPIO pins that can really be controlled. All of the others are tied to the CPU and such. I need four GPIO to drive the Relays as planned. However going through a Data Book for an idea on driving one or three GPIO pins to control four Outputs. I came across the 74138 that is a 3-line to 8-line Demultiplexer. However it is Active HIGH on the Outputs and pulls an Output LOW. I would think a Hex Inverter would work to "Flip the Bits" but the question is should I put the Hex Inverter on the Input of the 74138 or on the Output and tweak the Software to put the GPIO LOW to make the Output HIGH?