Dear All,
I am using Beaglebone black device as an Energy Monitoring device in my IOT Projects. The application reads data through USB (Modbus RTU) and sends it to remote cloud through MQTT. There are around 15-20 Beaglebone Black devices such devices. To access, the internet, the plant IT Manager has given me (15-20)number of static ip addresses. I have set static ip address in the (/etc/network/interfaces) file. But sometimes, the internet connectivity is not working. when i debugged it, i found that beaglebone black is getting dynamic ip address.
There are separate ranges for static and dynamic ip address in the plant. If i reboot the beaglebone black, it again catches the static IP address properly and the system works normally.
I am facing this issue in random ip address. As of now there is no option of shifting it permanently on the dynamic ip range. This is occurring in random devices. Please help me resolve this issue. I am attaching the screenshots of ip set in the (/etc/network/interface) file and ip address received.
for example, the static IP address set in the device,
IP Address received (checked using ifconfig command)
I have attached two separate images of configuration done in the beablebone black. one image is /etc/network/interface file and the other is response of ifconfig command.