You could call this a series of discussions...
When I was first introduced to BeagleBone, the BeagleBone Black was just released, and I managed to kill it. 5 volts on a 3.3v logical input without being aware thanks to a devicetree not being updated for an LCD display, but I had no idea, I'd only just been given the hardware and I was entirely new to it. Completely killed the kit. Then there was the difficulty of working with assembly for the PRUSS... it was a long list of interruptions.
So what tends to stop you from developing with a BeagleBone? Do you find that you encounter a problem part way through the project? Is it some knowledge you're lacking or is it the software? Is it how the hardware behaves or doesn't how you expect it to? Is it the operating system when you want to work bare bones or bare metal with the hardware?
Would you benefit from help with Linux? Or is it something else?
We're looking at expanding our content and what we ask from BeagleBoard to help introduce their products and guidance on their products, and I'm interested in what you need help with, so reply and let us know, regardless of knowledge level.