Hi all,
I got STM32F4DIS-BBSTM32F4DIS-BB but I am unable to make ethernet demo with CubeMX
Could someone please create template project with CubeMX that works.
Hi all,
I got STM32F4DIS-BBSTM32F4DIS-BB but I am unable to make ethernet demo with CubeMX
Could someone please create template project with CubeMX that works.
If you were to explain what you mean by "unable to make ethernet demo with CubeMX" it might be possible to help you.
Can you explain what the problem is .
Thank you for replying.
I am using STM32CubeMX to create project for f4 with expansion board to make ethernet example.
1) with FreeRTOS
2) without FreeRTOS
I would like to be able:
1) Ping uC
2) Response with "foobar string" from uC when telenet to port 8080 (tcp).
Creating project with CubeMX doesn't kickstarts project enough to be able to do bare minimum like this.
Getting project from someone would at least create base to start from.
If you want to get this working in a hurry your only choice is to pay (and it will still take effort) - you can buy the full Keil professional ARM development kit for about £7k and it includes all the things you want (except the free rtos of course - it uses their own). You can buy similar supported code libraries form IAR or Segger (more expensive) or Micrium (a LOT more expensive).
I suspect that you are hoping to do this for 'free' - and you can - but you will need to put in a lot more effort. Start by Googling - I tried "stm32f4dis-bb free rtos" and quickly found some promising threads like this one:
It will take a fair bit of effort to find what you want and you may need to do some code tweaking.
Of course, most of this free code is of uncertain quality - which means that some is very good and some is very bad and will not work very well, or will be very difficult to understand/port to new hardware etc.
If you want good code you need to learn how all this stuff works (start with books about Ethernet and TCP/IP and study the STM32F4xx reference manual and data sheets) and write it yourself (or pay).
If you are learning the DIY approach will teach you lots - if it's for business you'll probably win by paying !
You dont need to buy KEIL.
Follow these steps to get it to work.
Get Atollic TrueStudio their free version is now with no size limit.
Create the template with CubeMX. CubeMX creates EVERYTHING you need to run the Ethernet with LWIP, however it will create a project using the registers for a different PHY, so it wont work out of the box, you need to change two register addresses:
#define PHY_READ_TO ((uint32_t)0x0004FFFF)
#define PHY_WRITE_TO ((uint32_t)0x0004FFFF)
You can do this in the config screen of CubeMX or directly in the file stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h once you have created the code.
Once the code is ready, import it to True studio, compile and run.
CubeMX is a pretty neat tool, but you can't expect to do everything for you , that should get you started