Think I got the answer here:
"ripup" all the signal polygons on a board. (that is,
return them to their unfilled state; this shouldn't
actually ripup any routed signals unless you happen
to have a signal at the exact start point of the first
wire of a polygon.
board(B) {
string s;
string cmd = "grid mm; ";
B.signals(S) {
S.polygons(P) {
P.wires(W) {
sprintf(s, "ripup (%f %f);", u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1));
cmd += "grid last;";
It rips up all polygons on all layers, and undo's every time. The undo is
undoing eventually wire rip-up. Use on own expense!
It seem to work for me, but no guaranties
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Ole Olesen wrote:
>Think I got the answer here:
>* "ripup" all the signal polygons on a board. (that is,
what about 'ripup @;'
Thanks! I couldn't make it work before but it does now! Didn't realize I
had to press the GO button ("stop-light signal") after the command.
Web access to CadSoft support forums at Where the CadSoft EAGLE community meets.
Thanks! I couldn't make it work before but it does now! Didn't realize I
had to press the GO button ("stop-light signal") after the command.
Web access to CadSoft support forums at Where the CadSoft EAGLE community meets.
Also try
"display all;ripup @;display last;" either in command line, or in an
exit("") command for an ulp.
A hotkey ought to do this for you.
Ole Olesen wrote:
>Thanks! I couldn't make it work before but it does now! Didn't realize I
>had to press the GO button ("stop-light signal") after the command.
looks like you left out the ';'