The distance between the pin and associated name in the symbol editor
appears to be fixed and equal to 0.1" which is a rather big gap.
I looked in the "Edit" and "Options" menu items but couldn't find a way to
change this. Is it somehow possible to change this gap size?
Second question : vertical pins in a symbol have their name also oriented
vertically. Is there a way to chage this to horizontal? If I have one GND at
the botttom and one Vcc pin at the top of a symbol, I'd prefer to have the
names "GND" and "VCC" horizontally because in that way they don't interfere
with the names of the horizontal pins, unless I make the symbol a lot bigger
than really necessary.
I should add that I'm still using version 4.11 and that these remarks might
be no longer valid on more recent versions.