Is the elektro-library based on inch or mm grid? The german tutorial says
that inch-grid should be used. I've expected the Germans to use mm in their
drawing standard for elektro schemes. Thought IEC-standards used the metric
//Bjørn, Norway
Is the elektro-library based on inch or mm grid? The german tutorial says
that inch-grid should be used. I've expected the Germans to use mm in their
drawing standard for elektro schemes. Thought IEC-standards used the metric
//Bjørn, Norway
Smak og behag.
A lot of component is in inch but like you said IEC standards used metric.
I use only metrics
Best regard
Thierry . Norway too!
"Bjørn Birkeland" <> skrev i melding
Is the elektro-library based on inch or mm grid? The german tutorial says
that inch-grid should be used. I've expected the Germans to use mm in
their drawing standard for elektro schemes. Thought IEC-standards used the
metric system.
//Bjørn, Norway
Bjørn Birkeland schrieb:
Is the elektro-library based on inch or mm grid? The german tutorial says
that inch-grid should be used. I've expected the Germans to use mm in their
drawing standard for elektro schemes. Thought IEC-standards used the metric
//Bjørn, Norway
The inch grid is the default in the EAGLE Schematic editor. This
is for historic reasons. All Symbols in the electronic (and also
in the electrical) libraries are drawn in 0.1 inch grid.
Of course the hardware is mostly made in mm grid, but this has
nothing to do with the Schematic drawing.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards
Richard Hammerl
CadSoft Support --