I'm pretty new to Eagle or any pcb designing software for that matter. I
was modifying a TO-220 3 pin package into a TO-220 5 pin (straight &
vertical) when I noticed the old pads (dia=auto, drill = 0.04, long)
were quite close together when all 5 are arranged. I need to keep the
drill size at 0.04 but I changed the diameter to 0.05". When I insert
the device with my custom package, the schematic editor alerts that the
library has modified my board and that I need to run the DRC. When I
look at the TO-220-5 package in the board view and compare it to the
TO-220-3 package, the TO-220-5 packge is using the old pad size and not
my new narrower pads. Any ideas on what is going on?
Also, any suggestions for a tutorial that explains the DRC settings? I'm
having a difficult time understanding some of the parameters.
Have a good one,