Hi all,
I'm not new to electronics, but new to Eagle. This is a hobby now, not a
profession anymore, and it's been awhile since I've really done any real
design (my career took me into physics/dynamics and away from electronics).
I'm using Eagle mostly to copy public domain circuits, maybe some
modifications, then build them.
I also bought B2 Spice. (I've tried a few simple schematics with some
frustration due to inconsistencies with Eagle library names versus the B2
library/model names. But I think that is more for the B2 forums...)
That said, I'd love some advice on work flow. Most/all of the circuits
which interest me are analog audio processing types; filters, oscillators,
amplifiers, etc. ending up in a modular synthesizer.
That now said, is it easier to build the schematic in Eagle then convert it
to B2 format and just deal with the missing models in B2 Spice? Or, is it
easier to build the circuit in B2 Spice then port it to Eagle? I've not
tried the B2 Spice to Eagle route yet as I'm still just trying to get
through the Eagle manual.
Any users of Eagle and B2 Spice out there who are willing to give me their
2 bits of advice?
Browser access to CadSoft Support Forums at http://www.eaglecentral.ca