Just made a major bummer on a prototype, and I thought first, why do I (and
others) do these errors over and over again.. So maybe its time to collect a
list of common bummers. There should be a checklist for common errors, maybe
even included in the DRC box as plain text! (Hey, Ill post that on suggest!)
Here is my recent ones:
1. PCB board thickness when using edge connector. In the heat of picking a
stackup for a 10 layer board, the stackup suggestion from the manufacturer
chose their own thickness (tiny number in a tiny box). Neither we, or any of
the other 3 partners involved in the PCB production ever thought that since
there is an edge connector, the thickness is critical.
2. Part verification. There should be a flag on all components called
"verified", that is set to NO on never manufactured parts. Maybe even a text
field for a "verified" attribute. I know very well that is a common problem.
Either pitch is wrong, pads are wrong size, pin numbering is
mirrored/interleaved or wrong somehow. Recently, I managed to mess up the
pinout of a CF socket. Pin numbering should be interleaved, but I managed to
do them sequential. I also managed to mirror the 4 wire pairs on a ethernet
Please submit your own bummers (and don't be ashamed, we all do them)