I am searching for a board house (PCB manufacturer) that delivers high quality multilayer boards and which supports non-standard stack-ups using materials for high-freq. product.
And!!!! which in addition are having their production facilities located inside Europa.
I am aware of the many lists of board houses that pops up listing the cheapest board houses, and I guess many of them might very well deliver high quality products aswell, but I cant focus on this here and the fact is that I get a little bit suspicious when a company shows up on such a list. At which cost is the PCB so cheap? If you know what i mean. I wil lask a few of those I already know for sample PCB's to do some research on them but other peoples experiences is also valuable.
I also know there is a list at cadsoft but this is not a complete list I believe. Atleast they where missing Wurth.
Breg Vidar(Z)