Hi all ! I'm new to eagle, and am trying to create a scheme for a circuit which have different power sources.
The goal of this circuit is to emulate peripherals with a teensy board, and for this I need to do logic level translation. The chips that'll do the translations are bound to be powered from the machine the emulated peripheral is bound to be connected onto (not sure this is correct english, TBH).
On my first try, I get 4 peripherals to emulate on a single board, and so I got 5 different power sources (counting the teensy board)
I created different nets for each power source circuit, in order to have them correctly separated, and by avoiding the usage of the "Vcc" component.
However, when I try to do automatic routing on the generated board, all chips got their "Vcc" pins connected togother...
Is there a way for me to avoid that ?
Here is the scheme, exported as an image (didn't find a way to attach zip or sch files here)
Thanks in advance for your help