I have created few .lbr files and they appear withe a little padlock on Eagle but I cannot see them with Windows 7 explorer and I cannot reopen them to modify them. How can I get rid of this padlock?
I have created few .lbr files and they appear withe a little padlock on Eagle but I cannot see them with Windows 7 explorer and I cannot reopen them to modify them. How can I get rid of this padlock?
Thank you so much for posting the solution to this irritating and baffling problem! I had the same exact problem - my .LBR's were viewable from within the EagleCAD file explorer, but completely invisible from Windows explorer! Copying/pasting to my desktop (from within the EagleCAD file explorer) allowed me to recover my lost/hidden/locked .LBR file.
Thank you thank you thank you!
So for anyone else that runs into this problem, I found that my .lbr file of interest was actually being stored in "C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\EAGLE-<VERSION_NUM>\lbr\<file_of_interest>.lbr" even though Eagle was accessing the file via "C:\Program Files (x86)\EAGLE-<VERSION_NUM>\lbr\<file_of_interest>.lbr"
I used Microsoft SysInternals Procmon.exe and then added a filter to exclude all entries whose process wasn't eagle.exe, then used eagle to open "C:\Program Files (x86)\EAGLE-<VERSION>\lbr\<file_of_interest>.lbr" . from there it was a matter of scrolling through a few entries until I saw the real path for <file_of_interest>.lbr . ref: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/default
Yeah, that is that "virtual store" issue I have been bitten by before. Microsoft has come up with this clever "scheme" whereby if you are not allowed to put something where you are trying to put it, then it puts it in the "virtual store" under your account and creates a link from where you thought you put it to where it is. Not a bad idea EXCEPT they don't tell you they did it and if you come at it from a different direction, you can't find the file. Do a bit of searching on the "virtual store" and you will have a better grasp of how it works (it has been a while since I managed to shoot myself in the foot with it). I first ran into it with the CCS C compiler when I tried to drag the license file from the CD they had sent me to the install folder where it was supposed to be. Kept getting a notice about "invalid license file". Had CCS send me a new file. Tried to drag that from the email to the install folder. Turns out both the email and the CD are considered "suspect" for lack of a better word by M$ and they do the "virtual store" thing with them then the compiler could not find the right one. The secret turned out to be to drag the file from the email to the desktop THEN drag it to the install folder and M$ decided that was safe enough I guess. I really hate being "hepped" - especially when it doesn't bother to tell you it did it. Either put the stupid file where I want it or tell me "permission denied" and let me work the problem, but don't put it somewhere else and tell me everything is OK !!!
<on soap box>
Another "invention" from the Bill Gates crowd! Duh, aren't some users smart enough to know better? You want to stop hackers
(maybe) stop giving "secret" interfaces. Ha Ha.
<off soap box>