4 layer PCB with the setting (1+2*15+16)
If I start the autorouting and let it execute with no "pre settings or dedications", will the autorouter just use the layers 2 and 15 as it use 1 and 16, that is, just use them to make the best routing ?
How do I a tell EAGLE, before autorouting, only to use layer 2 for GND and only layer 15 for VCC but it can use layer 1 and 16 unrestricted for signalers ?
I want to use layer 2 as dedicated GND layer and later flood fill them so they can be used as heat sinkers.
If layer 2 and 15 have bene floodfilled and I manually add a via, this will connect to all 4 layers, effectivly shortcuting GND and VCC ?
What should I do to avoid to make a shortcut between layer 1, 2, 15 and 16 when manually placing out via's ?
Shall I add an area around the via's that make the area 2 and 15 restricted before flood filling the layer 2 and 15 or is it other ways to do it ?
Regards Stefan