I'm working on a project with 6.4 that was started in 6.3 - hopefully that won't make a difference.
What I want to do is create a pad with a very small ring.
In addition, I am trying to do this as part of a library device, so it should be easy.
When I draw the package (library editor), I can show Pads any way I like - eg. square pad with drill diam. larger than Pad edge, resulting in a 'Pad' with only the corners attached to a hole.
This is an exaggeration of what I really want, but makes the point.
When I use the device on a .brd, the properties of the Pad are overridden.
I've played with Restring values in DRC. I can grow the OD, but can't get it down to the size shown in the Library package.
Is there something obvious I'm missing?
An alternative approach would be a plated through hole with no ring at all (I'm not sure that's possible).