I've made a little board in Eagle using parts from the SFE and Adafruit libraries and I'm ordering parts from Digikey. I wan't to make sure I'm ordering the right parts.
On the BOM I have part C1:
Part Value Device Package Description
C1 10uF CAP_POL1206 EIA3216 Capacitor Polarized
and another 10uF capacitor:
Part Value Device Package Description
C6 10uF CAP1206 1206 Capacitor
Under "Device" both of the caps are 1206, but for package C6 is 1206 and C1 is EIA3216, which from my understanding means they're both the same, where 1206 is imperial and 3216 is metric. So could I buy this capacitor (http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/e ... ND/2103160) and use it for both C1 and C6?
Thanks for the help!