Hi my name is Chris Escalante and I am a EE. I have been tasked with updating my company Eagle files from version 3.55 into 6.4.0 and to be able to import/export these files into LTSpice. Eagle has converted the files but when I try to export I get errors. I have added several industry parts to the LTSpice standard library set (i.e. standard.dio, standard.cap), which I don't believe have a .sub file. Every example of getting LTSpice and Eagle to work together uses a .sub file to verify spiceorder and to connect the LTSpice model to the Eagle model. I have added every LTSpice assembly file and every .sub to Eagle and I still get the ulp error "Different Quantity of SpiceOrder and PINs in symbol CAP of par C1. Please Check Symbol." I have added spice order to the part tried to link it to a standard file in LTSpice, although I am not sure if these files carry the .lib extension or the .sub extension; nevertheless nothing works. The standard file for capacitors is where the LTSpice model is stored. Why is there not a designated file in Eagle to save cmp files from LTSpice, which is where the standard libraries are saved in LTSpice, and/or can anyone give me any insight into what else I might try? I am also having difficulty getting drill sizes to update in the silkscreen after I change the drill sizes in the part. I am not sure I can attach the circuit file as it is proprietary. Thanks in advance for any help!
I just noticed a more fundimental problem with the conversion from 3.55 to 6.4.0 that I didn't notice before. I am getting this error on most of the parts in the schematic "Package variant " of deviceset 524396-002@5 does not exist in current library. Please adjust the library paths or export the drawing libraries first!" I have searched all company libraries for 524396-002@5 but it does not exist with the "@5" and I have tried to create one but it still gives me the same error. I have also tried to change the package but it does not give me any other options but 524396-002@5 in the window. The other parts give the same error except with a different part number and an "@5" at the end. If I didn't mention before I have 2 years of experience with LTspice, but I just started working with Eagle. What am I doing wrong or how can I get the libraries set correctly so I can make some progress updating the schematics? Thanks in advance for an help!
Message was edited by: Chris Escalante