Hi there, I am trying to make some simple PCBs to use as a test fixture for some ribbon cables I work with. The board layout is very simple, but I cannot seem to figure out the correct way to actually lay it out. I have a 2D CAD drawing that I did in AutoSketch which I will attach. So far I have tried EagleCAD, DipTrace, ExpressPCB, PCB123, and PCB Web Designer, and the only program I have managed to successfully design the board in is (unfortunately) PCB123, but their prices are outrageous, and I cannot export gerber files. I will attach the PCB123 files as well.
I really want to learn how to use EagleCAD properly, but at the same time I am on a huge crunch to get these boards done as soon as possible. Does anyone have any good recommendations? or would anyone we willing to take my current drawings into eagle and help me out?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
-The top 2 connectors are 13pos pin headers, the same size you'd find on a PC motherboard, Arduino, or RaspberryPi. (The part numbers in my first drawing may actually be wrong)
-The Bottom 2 are the special Molex connectors that the cables use. there is a 12 and 13 pos connector. they can be found on DigiKey (links below)
12 pos http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en?x=0&y=0&lang=en&site=us&keywords=WM1741-ND
13 pos 53047-1310 Molex Connector Corporation | WM17003-ND | DigiKey