A big thank you to all those who attended our recent webinar CircuitStudio – Your Top Topics – Q&A Session. We had a good number of questions asked during the session and below is a summary of the questions with responses. Feel free to add a comment below if you require any clarification of an answer or would like to comment on how you interesting & informative you found the webinar. I would like to extend a big thank you to James Harriman of Altium who provided a really interesting mini-demos of features, answered many questions and was very informative. The questions asked by attendees are listed below with our answers.
Don't know if this is the right way to ask questions, but do you have any webinars/presentations that discuss creating multiple board assemblies like you have here? (I was a bit late, so if you discussed it earlier, I may have missed it)
We do not yet have a webinar on creating multiple board assemblies, we will add this to our list of ideas for future webinars.
Whot about differential pair snaking/miyanering suppot, single track is present but not for differential pairs
There is no meandering / accordion support for differential pairs, as you correctly state this is limited to single nets.
Hi, is there a menu option to limit what parameters to display in vault explorer? the default display shows all the parameters of the search results. which results in a crowded screen
We demonstrated searching the vault and the use of the Search tab (bottom left of vault window) as a way to help control the number of results columns that are displayed.
maybe limit the search tab to display only "manufacturer" or "pin count" always..
It is possible to select which columns are displayed by right clicking in the column header bar but this is not remembered between sessions.
how to open /import Altium DEsigner pcbDoc files in a CS project?
You need to save the PCB is Binary 5.0 format from Altium Designer and then use the Import function from CircuitStudio. We have a dedicated knowledge base article on the compatibility between AD and CS.
File compatibility between CircuitStudio and Altium Designer
Here you have a LCD with standoffs on a main board, so something along those lines. If you had something regarding flex assemblies that would be just as interesting.
CS does not support mixed rigid/flex boards, for this advanced functionality we would recommend Altium Designer.
This is probably a webinar on its own, but would like to see how this design can be made manufacturable (i.e. panelized/rails/tooling holes, fiducials, etc)
Thanks for this great idea for a future webinar topic.
When is the update to 1.5 going to be released?
Very shortly.
Regarding the 1.5 features, is the filter just a shortcut added to the ribbon or are there additional features not found under the current "PCB Filter"
These are very similar to existing features, the full details will be available once the software is released.
is it planed to make an Update of CS opening/importing all AD pcbdoc files?
This is not a feature of the upcoming release but is on the list of suggestions with Altium for future versions.
Will be a public roadmap of the software in the future?
Altium have said they are looking to provide a roadmap but it is some months away.
colleagues weren't aware of binary5 format. and saved a complete project in AD18. I can not import their pcbDoc files. please find a solution.
Your colleagues will have to re-save the PCB in Binary 5 format for you to be able to import into CircuitStudio.
At the time of purchase I was answered that CS may be installed on several PCs as long as only one is used at a time.
This is correct and the license agreement (EULA) allows you to legally install on another computer for your own use.
User defined templates? Hack available?
Templates are possible, there is an article on this on our user forums.
I know others have asked already but a "view only" free viewer would be really helpful to share designs with people so they can comment on it, etc.
There are currently no plans for a view only version.
I was previously told licenses could be installed in three separate machines, but used at only one of them at a time. Is this correct? I got confused with what you just mentioned about installing in different machines.
The license agreement (EULA) allows you to legally install on another computer for your own use. On the main computer you use your email address to sign-in, for the secondary computer you use a standalone license file (generated from your main computer).
can you do a copy matrix (step and repeat for a identical circuit use multiple time on a board)?
If you are wanting to panelize a board then this is not supported within CS, however you can copy and paste elements and there is a paste array command.
the PCB big manufacturers can easily Panelize for you, often w/o additional costs
We would certainly recommend using the manufacturer to panelize.
Does CS support SVN style libraries like AD does?
CS does support SVN for version control of files of all types but does not support the AD *.SVNDBLib libraries or its dedicated SVN library operation.
IS the Library search bug going to be fixed in the next release?
There is a minor library bug where the text shows in the button incorrectly, it is not yet known when this will be fixed.
For designs, yes. But for libraries?
(see answer above regarding SVN style libraries)
Will new version support serpentine routing?
This is supported already but not for differential pairs.
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