I want to generate a single wave pulse with a certain frequency but not a continuous wave. is that possible? if yes how do I achieve it with bitscope micro Bs05?
I want to generate a single wave pulse with a certain frequency but not a continuous wave. is that possible? if yes how do I achieve it with bitscope micro Bs05?
Hello Abhiram
There are multiple ways to generate a single pulse. How it might be done is dependent on things you haven’t specified such as pulse duration, shape, voltage, accuracy, etc, etc. I am not familiar with the Bitscope but perhaps you could use it. A single on / off pulse is easy with a microcontroller, any might work depending on duration, but an Arduino would easily be set up. More information would be helpful - how is this to be used? Does it have to be generated by a Bitscope?
I want a single pulse of frequency ranging between 200-500Hz, with voltage=5v, with a dutycycle of 25% but using a bitscope only as I was asked to use bitscope only.
How can a single pulse have a frequency? Do you mean a short burst of pulses at that frequency? Or do you mean a single pulse of a fixed width?
How can a single pulse have a frequency? Do you mean a short burst of pulses at that frequency? Or do you mean a single pulse of a fixed width?
Fred27 wrote:
How can a single pulse have a frequency? Do you mean a short burst of pulses at that frequency? Or do you mean a single pulse of a fixed width?
It can. If it has a length (period), it has a frequency 1/period. Also for a single wave.
I know what you mean, but I'm not sure I agree. A single pulse had a width but no period.
For instance, take a 1us pulse. Is it 500kHz - assuming a 50% duty cycle? It could just as easily be 10kHz with a 1% duty cycle.
yes. ignore the specified frequency too. I just want to generate just a single pulse first with any parameters. ( As the generated pulse is to be sent to one transducer @every 5 minutes #ignore ). So I need to generate a pulse using bitscope first and program to generate a single pulse every 5 minutes. How do I do that?