Hello Community
I dont know if there is already a thread about my lingering thought so i hope you all could still bear with my inability to use the search function properly Therefore i apologize in advance
since the dawn of time....well at least for me ...i hated and still hate that ongoing trend with buliding a smartphone that has a non removable battery. Of course in the end i realize that with modern batterys which you can shape in any form whatsoever it is more efficient to let the battery always be integral. Not to speak about that with being waterproof it would be not so easy if the battery should be removable. But since the release of moto mods and the motorola z3 play i have a funny thought on my mind and it is literally killing me because i couldnt find anything about it via internet search and it feels like it wouldnt be to difficult or even is already possible to realize my thought. So i would be really thankfull if you could help me out with this one
Soooo finally getting to my question . There are battery mods for the z play smortphones which you can easily clap on your motorola and easily remove again if you want to. With this method the mod only really function as a charger for your non-removable battery and with that gives your smartphone more juice for the day. BUT isnt it possible to programm and make a mod like that but with the intention of not being a charger for the non-removable battery but being the main battery altogether ? That way instead of powering up the battery which powers up and runs the smartphone that mod would directly be the powersource for the smartphone. But this time not on the inside the smartphone but on the outside dividing the Smartphone into two easily separable units but by claping them together again making a fully usable and powered up Smartphone. Isnt that possible to do ? That would be so awesome if it is possible. just think about it. You could easily change your main battery without poking up your smartphone just by removing the mod. You would retain the waterproofing on both battery and main smartphone. And the best thing about it because the main power is the Mod itself the other main smartphone unit wouldnt need a charge port for the battery making more room for other possible parts being build in and also with the non-removable battery out of the main smartphone unit making even more room which could be used otherwise. For me that would be a dream come true. I would get my removable battery feature without someone else loosing features like being waterproff and so on. Just thinking about it makes me giggle
So my dear community i would really appreciate your thoughts on that matter . Isnt it possible to do so ? Or is it really too difficult to make it work
Thank you all in advance