A Pi-Day News I hope will be appreciated
(by all the Italian language users of the community)
Today, 3,14 2020 I am proud to announce that the new book "Progetti per Maker con Raspberry Pi" has been passed for the press to my publisher Ulrico Hoepli.
The book will be available soon on the Italian libraries and on Amazon.
The book includes many Raspberry Pi projects into the first part along a path from easy to complex: the Pi Scope, Pi Cade, Pi Vision, Pi Rotary, Pi Cluster. The second part, instead, explores all the projects I had to integrate using the Pi to create Seven of Nine, the borg that characterized the Art-a-Tronic interactive event during the past Pi Casso Challenge.
This book, together with the first volume already published titled "Progetti per maker con Arduino" and available online on Amazon and on the Italian booksellers, is not only a collection of how-to projects but aims to give support and a series of useful references for makers: from the essential maker lab to the best components to store at home.
You will also enjoy many contributions by Rob Zewtsloot (Raspberry Pi Foundation), Monica Houston (founder of Hackster.io), rscasny, e14phil and more.
The list of people I should thank to make possible these two works is long, but a special thank goes to Rob and the Pi Foundation as well as Phil, Randy, and the other Element14 Community managers that provided me a bunch of Raspberry Pi 4 very early before the mass market distribution of the new model, making possible to actualize the book content to the Raspberry Pi 4B with some projects dedicated to this new model.
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