Recently MathWorks had run Simulink Student challenge where in users were asked to submit their projects in which they had used Simulink to provide real-world solutions and they could win up to 1000 dollars. Even though this project did not place inside top 3 in this challenge, it was one of my favorites -
They are using a Raspberry pi as the brain for the control system and the camera board to get the actual position of the ball which can then be used in feedback control. This project shows how you can integrate existing work in python and bring in those libraries and then share that data with a Simulink model which can then be used to design and implement the controller on a Raspberry pi. The video shows how easy it is to change the parameters on your Simulink model and in essence change the code running on your Raspberry pi (as close to real-time as possible).
My favorite part is that the video elegantly shows the power of both tools (python and Simulink). Comment below to let me know what yours is ...
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