Once you play around with all the IDE's available for python on Raspberry Pi you tend to want to play with PyCharm since well its probably what you have installed on your desktop or laptop. Good news get it up and running on the pi in no time. This is one of my favorite ones but tend to use MU IDE on smaller projects.
When it come's to the Raspberry Pi, even old issues come up and new fixes come to light. Today I was playing around and found a new fix for our PyCharm issues. I have had ton's of feedback on youtube about some of the more common issues that come up so lets get all of those sorted and get everyone up and running. Let's check out the new method below and lets get programming!
----------------------------NEW METHOD--------------------------------
You can follow along on the video below. This is the updated fix as of February 27, 2021
This video also shows how to setup the shortcut in your programming menu on the pi which sometimes doesn't like to populate.
You can download PyCharm community edition from: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=linux
And read about Martin's fix and download the files from here: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-237956
I will also have the file below and will remove the file if Martin requests.
I am keeping the old fix below as it may still be useful for some users I will also updated any new things I come across that might help further.
-----------------------------OLD METHOD--------------------------------
Go to https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/
download the linux community version
in the downloads folder on your pi extract the files by right clicking on it and choosing extract here
open terminal press ctrl+alt+t
Type: cd Downloads then press enter
Type: ls then press enter
you should see pycharm-community-2019.2.2
or something similar to that.
Type: sudo mv pycharm-community-2019.2.2 /opt/pycharm-community-2019.2.2 then press enter
Type: cd then press enter
Type: cd /opt/pycharm-community-2019.2.2/bin then press enter
Type: ./pycharm.sh then press enter
*if for some reason you are getting a Java error on the command run this sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
Then run the setup, defaults usually work but read through and adjust to your liking
once welcome to pycharm shows up in the bottom you will see a configure cog click on that then select create desktop entry.
Select for all users you will have to enter your pi password for this part you will be prompted.
Create new project and then set your name for it and run.
It might take a few minutes for the program to load for the first time.
You will see the status in the bottom of the program running.
If you don’t have an icon on your desktop it is probably in the programming section in the raspberry icon then you can right click and add it to your desktop if you choose.
Fix For Terminal not working.
A big thank you to https://github.com/tuomastik for the terminal fix you can use the code below or check it out on github.
open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T on the keyboard)
git clone https://github.com/JetBrains/pty4j.git
cd pty4j/native
gcc -fPIC -c *.c
gcc -shared -o libpty.so *.o
cp libpty.so /opt/pycharm/lib/pty4j-native/linux/x86/
That’s it start playing with python!
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