I have always wanted to attempt using raspberry pi for industrial project, but i have done it over the last few weeks. Here is the setup of using
Raspberry Pi as the main embedded linux device to perform DAQ, analysis and predictive modeling, as well as IoT over MQTT.
Raspberry pi 3A+ and most of the other family members are not meant for industrial use. Despite my application for industrial, it is meant for demo application
while concept of application is adoptable, one should consider industrial use on a case by case basis. I would think for data acquisition in non harsh industrial environment (like in a R&D lab)
it is very much usable. It may not be so to run it in a reliability test lab that runs 24/7 or production floor.
there are compute module that is meant for industrial use but i haven't tried them before. They are pricier, though
In the setup above, we have use a PC to communicate with a raspberry pi (via network). on the windturbine, we attach an GY-61 adxl335 accelerometer
for data collection by the pi. We use raspberry pi 3A+ with Pioneer600 HAT. The pi is situated behind the small screen on the table.
We then do a digital twin model in Altair Motion Solve (a multibody dynamic simulator) and a data driven AI model in both Python and
Altair Compose. To date, there are still some parts to be enhanced --> doing dashboard in Altair Smartsight as well as Panopticon.
I have tried the new raspberry pi support under Altair Embed.
The screenshot below shows the model. On the left, you can see MQTT built in example. On the right, the cyan component is the subsystem that collect data with a
pioneer600 module that i use on top the raspberry pi. Embed enables us to develop in block based environment yet able to integrate C++ code. We can then run the raspi as part of the software, a process know as hardware in the loop (HIL)
Here are the current output of the setup
the corresponding MotionSolve model
i have received great help in various aspect of the setup from the Altair Embed team like Michael Hoffman, Sreeram, Peter Darnell, Ragini, my colleagues Kok Wei & Irwan, and Malaysian Altair people
like Ranga, Sheng Tat, Aspy, Raymun, Ban Wee, Samantha, Sudhir, Rakesh, Mohan.....now that i think of it, the list is pretty long but truly it is a rushing yet interesting attempt