The Pi Store screenshot
The Raspberry Pi Foundation, in conjunction with IndieCity and Velocix, has finally launched their app store by overwhelming demand from developers using the popular single-board computer. The store is essentially a one-stop-shopping area for free and paid-for apps, games, tools and tutorials that developers (from beginners to advanced users) can share with others in the Pi community. According to the Raspberry Pi press-release, the store runs as an X-application using Rasbian (Linux-based Debian operating system) which allows users to both download and upload their own creations for secure moderation and release. While the website will allow both free-ware and paid-ware, developers can also include a ‘tip-jar’ to their available content to gain a few bucks by those impressed with their creations. Those interested (anybody) in adding their content to the Pi store can also upload their binaries, raw Python code, images as well as audio or video files, and according to the press-release, will soon be able to upload Scratch content in the near future. As it stands at this point, the store already features 25 titles, which include LibreOffice, Asterisk, FreeCiv and the Pi-exclusive Iridium Rising (3D multiplayer space-combat game). The opening of the store comes on the heels of the up-coming release of the Raspberry Pi Model A computer card sometime early next year (2013), which will feature the "improved price" of $25 USD vs the Model B's $35. The Raspberry Pi camera board also making its debut in 2013. As well as a complete system that the foundation plans to make "classroom friendly." It appears the next year will be a good one for the Raspberry Pi fans.