Wood Case for the Raspberry Pi 4.
5V Raspberry Pi Fan from Adafruit.
USB SNES Style Game Controller from Element14 Store.
Wood is likely a poor choice for heat dissipation.
There is only wood on the top and bottom, with the sides exposed to air flow.
The Pi is cooled by heatsinks and a 5V PiFan from Adafruit.
If the sides were enclosed, there would need to be accommodation made for the intake of air to supply the draw of the externally vented fan.
It is running at 2GHz overclock on CPU.
There might be a bit more overhead on the overclock as the CPU and RAM heatsinks are quite cool to the touch.
The heatsinks on IC to the left of the USB and Ethernet ports are noticeably warm (smaller heatsinks).
I wonder what the thermal properties of wood are as a case?
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