See below a picture sent to us of alarm system contacts connected to a Raspberry Pi with some DIY electronics. The Raspberry Pi is mounted in the alarm console box with the wifi USB key protruding from the box to allow for better communications.
The Raspberry Pi connects to the PrivateEyePi server over the internet and the dashboard below allows you to log into the system and remotely control the alarm, receive alerts and view activity logs. You can also connect a temperature sensor to monitor your house temperature. Looks like it's time to turn down my furnace, my house is reading 76 during the day which I'm away!
This should be a fun weekend project. Enjoy!
Visit www.projects.privateeyepi.com/home for full details on how to set this up.
The PrivateEyePi project is non-profit(non-revenue) project built by Raspberry Pi enthusiasts for others to participate and enjoy.