I want to make a raspberry pi arcade cabinet but I don't know how you would have it to only allow the user to place their game of choice when they have paid, and to let them play more than once if they pay more than necessary
I want to make a raspberry pi arcade cabinet but I don't know how you would have it to only allow the user to place their game of choice when they have paid, and to let them play more than once if they pay more than necessary
The requirements for identifying coins is a complex one, involving mechanics and elecro magnetics among others
Size of the coin (Thickness and diameter)
weight of the coin
Magnetic properties of the coin (Dont forget the double metal 1pound in the UK or the toonee in Canada) are complicated as is general shape
so before you can even get to the software there are a lot of hardware / mechanical issues to deal with
I would suggest getting an old vending or game machine coin slot and adapting that (Assuming it has a readable protocol or is purely mechanical with contact outputs denoting the identified coin) but this will limit your acceptable coins
you could go modern and issue an RFID tag to players where they can "Charge up" the tag and play within it. but this will require a link to the "Cash Register" so to speak
google "Coint Tester" for more info if needed
I can confirm what peteroakes says. I've laid my hands on a genuine mechanical coin validator, and that's a very complex apparatus. It even evolves validating drop down velocity of the coins.
The unit I reviewed didn't use any electrical properties to validate the coins. It was all based on size, weight, and how it behaved in the drop down path.
I've done a short blog on the subject of drink dispensers:
Repairing a Vendo V-80 cola dispencer of the 1950s
And here are some videos that I made on bypassing a defect coin detection system and on fixing a soft drink dispenser:
I used video recorder internals to detect that something went through the coin path.
I can't say that my story has a happy ending. I did this modification for a friend who had bought this cola dispenser for his partner. They separated not long after.
For games selection, have an lcd that has a button. When you hit the button, the selection of games advances to next one, until one you want is shown.
Ok, so do not all coin acceptors have electrical outputs like the ones you can find on adafruit.com?
The adafruit multicoin one will give pulses based on the coin that's inserted. You'll have to count them and keep track on how many coins of what value have been inserted.
You would consume (part of that) credit when the user plays a game.
Game over when credit is exhausted.
adafruit have a link on how to configure the coin acceptor:
and the product pages shows a github link to an Arduino implementation. You could look at that to see how they've solved it.
Thank you
almost there, how would I use this in parallel as something like Pimame?
For many of the gaming machines they provide a sample coin and electronically match the incoming against it.
Some countries make coins with very close characterisitics, while others have much looser tolerances.
The output was a simple Yes/No and gave a pulse for an acceptance.
I have developed a complex prototype for the coin accepting and programming, interfacing micro controllers on vending machines (including games machines). There are two different approaches: a complex coin acceptor that includes a simple yet ancient electronic based on a sort of high voltage serial protocol that is the MDB protocol and a simple mechanism that just accept the coin, identify it and do something, like starting a timer, that is the most frequently options.
About the more complex option take a look to this prototype I have created in 2014 https://youtu.be/fp5EP46eRMs
About the simplest way, that it is what I suggest instead, there are two options, as far as what is my experience. I bought some of these coin acceptors from China for very few $ (between 15 and 25 depending on the model), and if you need I can give you the contact or import for you at not overcharge. The first version I tried was the most complete as shown in the image below:
It is simple to program and almost easy to use, but I have discarded it for custom applications: it is too much a "finished product". The better use for this device is in Hotels for pay-per-use washers with a relatively wide set of time programming options.
Then I bought the following, that is more interesting, can fit in any customisation and has the advantage of a more understandable electronics (the producer got me a good support).
This second one (see the image above) has the advantage that the coin size and programming is very easy and is done independently by the control logic;. On the top right of the mechanical coin acceptor you see a sort of plastic clip with a coin. That's all: you put the desired coin there and the machine accepts only these coins
The logic instead has a 4 characters 7-segments display for the user sire and a small board withe a programmable set of buttons: can be programmed on time or on infinite time for state changes. So, I have already explored the possibility to connect a micro controller board in parallel to the three programming buttons, the output signals and the activation relay to hack and get any signal that is needed to reprogram automatically the board "on the run".
Guys, can you please help me? I have the same problem as Tony Forbes and none of the answers above really solve it.
I have a working coin acceptor thing (3 of them actually, but one fits where I want it better so I'd prefer to use that if possible) from an old pub gambling machine like Peter Oakes suggested getting.
My problem is that I have no idea how to physically connect it to my raspberry pi and absolutely no idea how to program it to work with the games.
I have got some ROMs where there are 'credits' built in (arcade versions of games basically), but atm I just press 1 or 5 to add credits. How do I make it so that adding coins in the coin slot works with the ROM and is the only to add credits? The fact that you can use the keyboard atm shouldn't be a problem since I'm building an arcade machine and I don't plan on attaching a keyboard (except when modifying it).
I'm really stuck on this at the moment, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
This is a purly speculative answer but...
1. For the PI, you can react to a GPIO pin and inject a character (5, or 1) into the keyboard stream, i'm sure there are plenty of examples on how to do this. and it would be easy to test and simply adding a switch with pull up (Pull Up can be programmed) to the gpio would be enough to test
For the coin acceptor, it depends on what it outputs when a coin is accepted and if it is a pulse output you can feed it through an opto isolator to the GPIO pin used in the above test (Switch) and away you go. If it is from an old vending machine I doubt it will be 3V3 compatible, therefor the need for the opto isolator