Previous Posts:
TI and Würth Elektronik LED RoadTest+ application and un-boxing - Blog 1 - Nov 10
LED Road Test - Software issues - Blog 2 - Nov 26
LED Road Test - LED PCB issues - Blog 3 - Dec 5
LED Road Test - Some words on timing - Blog 4 - Dec 15
LED Road Test - Launchpad user interface - Blog 5 - Dec 19
LED Road Test - Solder the LEDs - Blog 6 - Dec 28
LED Road Test - Deadline approaching - Blog 7 - Jan 15
LED Road Test - Making a ring light - Blog 8 - Jan 16
Related links:
search for a PCB for Würth power leds
flashcontroller screen-recording
Timing software
In my forth blog I explained the timing diagram and in the fifth blog I described the MSP430 user interface, but the timing wasn't implemented by then.
So today I will explain how I programmed the timing. Luckily due to the existence of the delayMicroseconds() function in Energia, this is not a big issue.
Remember all the timing values I have:
List of parameters:
- flash duration
- flash delay
- trigger duration
- trigger delay
- interval
- internal/external trigger
In the software we first declare the led output pin and trigger input pin:
int ledPin = 12; int triggerInPin = 11;
Set the appropriate INPUT and OUTPUT in the setup function:
void setup() { // start serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin(9600); establishContact(); // send the initialization data OUT pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(triggerInPin, INPUT); }
We put the flash including delay and duration in a function:
void led_flash() { delayMicroseconds(flash_delay); digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(flash_duration); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); }
This function will be called from the main loop:
while (Serial.available() == 0){ //Loop until some serial data is recieved. if (!external_trigger) { delayMicroseconds(interval); led_flash(); } }
In the case of an external trigger I use an interrupt, which fires the led_flash function on a rising edge of the optocoupler which is connected to the triggerInPin:
void set_external_trigger(String Par) { if (Par.equals("on")) { external_trigger = true; attachInterrupt(triggerInPin, led_flash, RISING); // Interrupt is fired whenever input give rising edge } else if (Par.equals("off")) { external_trigger = false; detachInterrupt(triggerInPin); } }
The complete program now is:
// Flash Controler using MSP430FR4133 LaunchPad // (c) Gerrit Polder, 2015, 2016 String Command; String Parameter; long flash_duration = 0; long flash_delay = 0; long trigger_duration = 0; long trigger_delay = 0; long interval = 0; bool external_trigger = false; int ledPin = 12; int triggerInPin = 11; void establishContact() { Serial.println(); Serial.println(" _____ _ _ "); Serial.println(" | ___| | __ _ ___| |__ "); Serial.println(" | |_ | |/ _` / __| '_ \\ "); Serial.println(" | _| | | (_| \\__ \\ | | | "); Serial.println(" |_|___|_|\\__,_|___/_| |_| _ _ "); Serial.println(" / ___|___ _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | | | ___ _ __ "); Serial.println(" | | / _ \\| '_ \\| __| '__/ _ \\| | |/ _ \\ '__|"); Serial.println(" | |__| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | | | __/ | "); Serial.println(" \\____\\___/|_| |_|\\__|_| \\___/|_|_|\\___|_| "); Serial.println("\nSerial command shell v1.0"); Serial.println("Copyright (c) 2015 Gerrit Polder"); Serial.println("__________________________________________\n\n"); } void help(){ Serial.println(); Serial.println("Serial command shell v1.0"); Serial.println("Copyright (c) 2015 Gerrit Polder"); Serial.println("help - This help info"); Serial.println("reboot - Resets variables to their initial values"); Serial.println("status - Displays status information"); Serial.println("flashduration val - set flash duration val [us]"); Serial.println("flashdelay val - set flash delay val [us]"); Serial.println("triggerduration val - set trigger duration val [us]"); Serial.println("triggerdelay val - set trigger delay val [us]"); Serial.println("flashdelay val - set flash delay val [us]"); Serial.println("externaltrigger [on/off] - set external trigger"); Serial.println("interval val - set interval val [us]"); } void reboot(){ setup(); } void status(){ Serial.println(); Serial.println("Flash: duration: " + String(flash_duration) + " [us] delay: " + String(flash_delay) + " [us]"); Serial.println("Trigger: duration: " + String(trigger_duration) + " [us] delay: " + String(trigger_delay) + " [us]"); if (external_trigger) { Serial.println("External trigger"); } else { Serial.println("Interval: " + String(interval) + " [us]"); } } void set_external_trigger(String Par) { if (Par.equals("on")) { external_trigger = true; attachInterrupt(triggerInPin, led_flash, RISING); // Interrupt is fired whenever input give rising edge } else if (Par.equals("off")) { external_trigger = false; detachInterrupt(triggerInPin); } } void led_flash() { delayMicroseconds(flash_delay); digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(flash_duration); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } void invalid_input(){ Serial.println("Error in input command. Type ""help"" for available commands."); } void setup() { // start serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin(9600); establishContact(); // send the initialization data OUT pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(triggerInPin, INPUT); } void loop() { Command = ""; Parameter = ""; Serial.print("\n> "); while (Serial.available() == 0){ //Loop until some serial data is recieved. if (!external_trigger) { delayMicroseconds(interval); led_flash(); } } char command_temp = 0; bool read_parameter = false; while (command_temp != '\r' && command_temp != '\n'){ while (Serial.available() < 1){} command_temp =; Serial.print(command_temp); // echo if (command_temp <= 32){ //This is the end of the base command, and the start of arguments read_parameter = true; } else if (read_parameter){ Parameter = Parameter + command_temp; } else { Command = Command + command_temp; } } if (Command.equals("status")){ status(); } else if (Command.equals("help")){ help(); } else if (Command.equals("reboot")){ reboot(); } else if (Command.equals("flashdelay")){ flash_delay = Parameter.toInt(); } else if (Command.equals("flashduration")){ flash_duration = Parameter.toInt(); } else if (Command.equals("triggerdelay")){ trigger_delay = Parameter.toInt(); } else if (Command.equals("triggerduration")){ trigger_duration = Parameter.toInt(); } else if (Command.equals("externaltrigger")){ set_external_trigger(Parameter); } else if (Command.equals("interval")){ interval = Parameter.toInt(); } else if (Command.equals("")) { //no command, do nothing } else { invalid_input(); } }
Thats it for now, be aware that the camera trigger out yet isn't implemented, but that will be very easy to add given the example code above. Later today I will publish the wrap-up of the whole project for the tenth blog post.
stay tuned.