Page 4.1 - The instruction manual says to install the application software on your Android phone. Nothing else. Fantastic,I go the Galaxy store and try searching for Multimeter, MultiComp, MulticompPro, -- no matches found. What software package name goes for this DMM MP730624 ?
Page4.5 - The instruction book says in the software app to turn on Bluetooth & scan. phone has bluetooth enabled all the time. It connects to my car, bluetooth speakers, etc all the time. I went into settings, had all other Bluetooth devices either off and out of range, and the DMM was not detected by my phone. Yes, I did have the DMM BLE turned on by holding down the Hz/Duty/BLE button. Is the instruction saying the APP has to be running in order to connect bluetooth by phone ? very strange
Page 13 - manual states use only the bluetooth USB device (optional) supplied with with the product. OK, I can order a bluetooth adapter for my PC, but which one ? Does this DMM use bluetooth 4 , or BLE ? The instruction manual uses both terms interchangably.
Page 13.1 - The manual says Install multimeterBLE software. Where ? I googled every plausible name I could think of, but never found it. I did not find a Download page on the Newark site
Please advise, thanks for any help