RoadTest: E36313A Triple Output DC P.S.
Author: geralds
Creation date:
Evaluation Type: Power Supplies
Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True
What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: Momentary I've no equal or similar power supply which with i can compare with the E36313A.
What were the biggest problems encountered?: All was easy to use just some (important ? ) menu items are very in background than some other menu items. E.g. in the System - User Settings: the power supply functionality as E3631xA ( all channels are separated) instead as E3631A (CH2 and Ch3 as dual voltage +-) This was set as E3631A (may be during checking the Benchview I switched to this functionality without seeing this). Then I have had a bit a problem to find back to the default settings. I found it then in few minutes.
Detailed Review:
Dear Keysight, Dear Element14 Team,
Thank you for selecting me to participate in this E36313A power supply.
My first impression is described in the link above, so I can now dive into the impressions of the functions.
This was not so a big problem.
I also tried the power button and the channel buttons.
The spikes are coming only on the ch 1, if you plugs in the power cord.
But in details, the Out 2 and 3 also are bringing out a very small waving signal.
My interpretation with the LEDs:
The channel LED flashing is just the setup power-on routine - the on-board computer is driving up.
During this time the channels are not switching on to the outputs.
The E36313A is a direct upgrade to the E3631A.
The E36300 series offers an E3631A mode, which is a compatibility mode that allows the E36312A and E36313A to emulate the E3631A in programming.
This means that the code written for the E3631A can be used directly on the E36312A and E36313A without changing a single line.
Unit | Parameter | +6V Output | +25V Output | -25V Output (1) | Note |
Output Identifier | P6V | P25V | N25V | ||
Output Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1: Applicable for E36311A or when SCPI ID is set to E3631A (E36312A and E36313A). In normal operation, the E36312A and E36313A will output as +25V. | |
Voltage | MAXimum | 6.18 V | 25.75 V | 0 V | 2: Applicable for E36313A |
MINimum | 0 V | 0 V | -25.75 V | ||
DEFault (*RST) | 0 V | 0 V | 0 V | ||
Current | MAXimum | 5.15 A 10.3 A (2) | 1.03 A 2.06 A (2) | 1.03 A 2.06 A (2) | |
MINimum | 0.001 A | 0.001 A | 0.001 A | ||
DEFault (*RST) | 5 A 10 A (2) | 1 A 2 A (2) | 1 A 2 A (2) |
For the test of the E36313A I thought to test the power supply not in the "clinically" pure laboratory, but real approximate under workshop conditions.
So I put the cable lengths longer, several meters, as in the laboratory of a few cm.
For the tests, I used power resistors with fixed values tuned to reach full power limits.
For the switchable load tests I used the 2nd channel as an example for PSU power, similar for the other channels as well.
The 3rd channel was used to switch the loads in channel 2.
The first measurements:
Power consumption - in switched off condition
Power consumption - in switched on condition - main menu - outputs off
The Load - fixed resistors _ 2x 12R _ 1x 0,68R _ 3x 100W; first built
Power consumption 272W- all outputs on - full load
Load regulation, Transient Response as an example with the channel 2 from the power supply.
I thought about doing this test with an active load, as I suggested in my application.
However, I decided to do this test with relays and resistors so that the contact bounces from power on and off will be visible, when the power supply regulates load.
Rather rarely an active load is used in the real circuit, but rather complex circuits with relays, e.g. rather capacitive or inductive character, or real as an ohmic load as well.
The circuit:
Probe with RC-Filter_ Transient Response; Ripple Voltage
Load regulation response_ through the shunt resistor from 100mA to 2 A and back
Settings of the oscilloscope: time 200µs/div; volt: 10mV/div
The shunt resistor has the value 0.5Ohm. Oscilloscope settings: time 200µs/div, voltage_DC 20mV/div 1:10 probe
Load Regulation Response _ switching on and off the current of channel 2 - rising and falling edge1
Load Regulation Response - rising and falling edge 3
Transient response _ contact bouncing - fast regulating during contact switching while the load changes
Settings of the oscilloscope: time 200µs/div; voltage_AC 10mV/div modified probe 1:1 with RC filter
We can clearly see the fast regulation, the overshot and undershot are eliminated very fast; also the power supply does not switch off the output; oscilloscope settings: time 200µs/div voltage_AC 10mV/div modified probe 1:1 with RC filter.
Transient response _ contact bouncing_ from 100mA to 264mA and back to 100mA
Transient response _ contact bouncing_from 264mA to 2000mA_2 and back to 264mA
Ripple voltage in CV mode and CC mode
Settings of the oscilloscope oscilloscope: time 1ms/div; volt 5mV/div
BenchVue - Remote controlled E36313A via software connected with USB or LAN or GPIB port
One of the finest feature is to control the power supply via software in an automated system.
Here there some impressions:
The BenchVue
BenchVue_Datalogger_ Export to Excel
Remote Control via mobile smart phone
The link for the BenchVue Mobile App:
The installing is very easy, just follow the advice.
Because some secure items i cannot offer the settings complete, sorry.
In this video it will showed how easily can be controlled the E36313A via mobile smart phone
Some screen shots and images of the BenchVue mobile app:
Power Supply Settings and measurement - Mobile app
Power supply Datalogger - Mobile app
The E36313A, workbench power supply, is a very fine instrument, ideal for the laboratory in development and in the workshop for mass production under somewhat harsh conditions.
In the performance tests, I have chosen such values of the resistors, so that with all channels at the same time the limits can be reached, or something can be exceeded.
Therefore, I can say that I would give full marks for this attitude.
What I'm going to do, are the tests with the sense lines, I have to modify the leads.
I will add this as an attachment in this road test.
-> The firmware is so far well consistent and intuitive easy to use, with a software error has appeared here.
This software error has paralyzed the whole power supply, so I had to turn it off and on.
But during this action, all outputs have been active in their state all the time.
So, if the channels were on then they were on during this error and could not be turned off for safety.
This error must be eliminated very quickly. This can cause a lot of damage to the application.
For this reason, the power supply does not get the full score.
The other reason is that when plugging in the power cord, the outputs bring a voltage pulse to the outputs.
Again, the application may get damaged.
That was my impression of this always absolutely recommendable power supply E36313A.
That's how we know Keysight!
Top quality down to the last detail, yet remaining on the ground of the facts, without quirks and unnecessary gimmicks.
Thank you for allowing me to participate in this great RoadTest!
Best regards
Top Comments
Very detailed review, with a good range of tests conducted making it an interesting read. Well done.
Kind regards