I have been talking to one of our valued test equipment suppliers, Rohde&Schwarz, and they would like to sponsor some special projects using its FPC Spectrum Analyzers. The participants would get an FPC1500FPC1500. Each participant would need to demonstrate one of the following tasks using the product:
- EMI debugging a switched-mode power supply
- EMC pre-compliance testing
- IOT: testing Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE) transmit signals
- IOT: Antenna matching in IoT and low power devices
We have roadtested these products in the past:
3GHz Spectrum Analyzer - R&S FPC1000
Roadtests are open product reviews where the roadtester decides on how to roadtest the product. This special project is more application/task-focused. R&S would like to see element14 demonstrate the FPC1500's capabilities in the areas above (my bullet points). Here's the applications page for more information: https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/us/application/fpc/
These products are expensive. So, the participants will be required to provide me a proposal or complete an application similar to what I would do for a roadtest or a design challenge. I would like to see what you would like to do with it. Moreover, what other gear or resources you would need. This last point is important. We would like to get a better idea of what materials, resources, equipment you would need, as appropriate.
Are you Interested? Please vote in the Poll.
What Would You need besides the Spectrum Analyzer? Please leave a comment describing your set up.
Do you have any (better) ideas on how to do this special project? Please leave a comment.
At this point, I am still brainstorming on how I will do this special project. R&S is very interested. Any other feedback you can provide is welcome.
-element14 Team
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