Hello, i am looking for a way to test MAX-485 , i do not have any idea how to do it , anyone can help me?
Hello, i am looking for a way to test MAX-485 , i do not have any idea how to do it , anyone can help me?
Perhaps something like this tutorial showing two MAX485 modules to connect two Arduinos together may help?
If you are using two USB to RS485 convertors, then you wouldn't need the MAX485 IC unless you wanted to add a third node such as an Arduino onto the bus, in which case you would attach the DI and RO pins to the Arduino's serial GPIO pins. You also need to connect the DE and RE enable pins to a GPIO port to be able to toggle the MAX485 driver between transmit and receive states.
Alternatively, you could use one USB to RS485 convertor connected to the PC and a MAX485 connected to an Arduino and send data from the SSCOM terminal application to the Arduino.
good idea but with that way i only tested the transmitting part, i mean i tested the MAX485 as a transmitter , how to test it as a receiver?
In the linked tutorial, one RS485 module is transmitting and one is receiving so you are testing both transmit and receive.
I understand but these are complex steps for testing i hope i find easier solutions without the need of arduino.
I understand but these are complex steps for testing i hope i find easier solutions without the need of arduino.
Perhaps Jan Axelson's book 'Serial Port Complete' might help you ?
It covers the basics of serial communications, covers working with RS485 networks, and includes some programming.
Another useful reference might be this e-Book 'A Practical Guide to Using RS-422 and RS-485 Serial Interfaces'
There is an example of a USB <-> RS485 schematic here which may be of interest:
It includes additional logic to automatically enable DE / disable RE on data transmission. It's one of the approaches outlined in Jan's book linked previously.