Re the Archaeology Resistivity Meter Project (armp ), and further to the discussions on the injection aspect, and the linearity (or otherwise) of the ‘device under test’, I’ve run some tests. Main plots are included in-line below; fuller set available if needed. This first note is already rather long, so the next section with control plots and alternative stimuli etc. will follow in part 2.
ARMP – field plots, part 1
Share data on characteristics of a typical archaeological earth resistance measurement path to assist with design of the Archaeological Resistance Meter Project (ARMP).
Test setup / conditions
Injection: +/5v from Wavetek 275; into HP 6826A bipolar amplifier (max +/- 50v, with constant-voltage and constant-current mode); injected current monitored via 100R 0.1% in series with amplifier output. Stimulation principally 137Hz square wave, plus selected other waveforms.
Monitoring: Fluke PM3394A (4 ch), waveforms captured single-sweep to capture peaks and also using in-scope averaging (32 sweeps) to give crude filtering.
Soil Probes: fixed (P1C1) and mobile (P2C2) probes, P1-C1 and P2-C2 0.5m separation, P1C1 and P2C2 up to 50m apart, leads (unscreened) in ‘twin-probe’ configuration as typically used in archaeological resistivity survey.
Target: marked 50m length of favourable but mixed ground (note a, b).
At each station along the test traverse, inject test 137Hz square-wave at 10 mA (note c), record injection waveforms C1C2 (voltage V1 and current I) and potential P1P2 (voltage V2). Main results in table 1.1 below.
Also - described in part 2 - record control plots (dummy load) and at selected stations P1P2 potential V2 with no injection to capture background electrical noise with, and without, 50Hz main electricity on in nearby property. At selected stations, in addition to 137Hz, also record with 32Hz and 80Hz square-wave stimulus, and with other non-square-wave stimuli (sine wave, triangle/sawtooth, trapezoid). Analysis of various stimuli to follow further in part 3.
At intervals along the 50m traverse, the injection voltage (V1) necessary to inject the target current (I) was captured, below is a plot of V1 against distance (X) for each target current. Target I was nominal 10 mA, which required V1 in range +/- 30 to 45v; note that at 30 metre point where the test traverse encounters more stony terrain, the test struggled to inject more than 5 mA at +/- 55v.
Fig 1.1 – Absolute injected current (I) and necessary voltage (V1) vs distance (X) along test traverse
The injection waveform was also captured (V1 and I vs time T), below (figs 1.2, 1.3) are typical plots for target 10 mA at 15 metres. Injection waveform plots for each station, and reference plots, are available (note d)
Fig 1.2 – Injected current (I) and necessary voltage (V1) waveform at X=15m – single sweep
Fig 1.3 – Injected current (I) and necessary voltage (V1) waveform at X=15m – averaged in-scope
The upper (green) trace in figs 1.2 & 1.3 is the injection voltage V1. The lower (purple) trace is the current injected I. In this example (at X = 15m), V1 is +/- 35.1v and I is +/- 9.5 mA (measured as +/- 0.95v across 100R).
P1P2 voltage
The differential voltage V2 between P1P2 was also recorded (no differential probe to hand so acquired by using one scope channel for P1 and one for P2, and subtracting ch2 from ch1). Figure1.6 below shows differential V2 at each station along the traverse, along with the injection parameters.
Fig 1.4 – Absolute injected current (I) and voltage (V1), and differential P1P2 (V2)
vs distance (X) along test traverse
Fig 1.5 – Injected current (I) and voltage (V1) and differential P1P2 (V2) waveform at X=15m – single sweep
Upper (green) trace is the injection voltage V1; central (purple) trace is the current injected I;
lower (blue) trace is differential P1P2 (V2)
Fig 1.6 – Injected current (I) and voltage (V1) and differential P1P2 (V2) waveform at X=15m – averaged in-scope
The effects of the injection waveform will discussed more in part 2.
At each test station, waveform was captured with potential P1P2 (V2) and injected current C1C2 (I) against time, and resultant apparent resistance (R2) derived. Sample below at 15m station.
Fig 1.7 – Injected current (I), differential P1P2 (V2), and derived soil resistance (R2) waveform at X=15m
Values for R2 at each test station against distance X are:
Fig 1.8 – Soil resistance R2 (V2/I) vs distance (X) along test traverse
And, just for reference, the same plot but including with values for R1, the resistance encountered by the injection circuit, which shows the effect of contact resistance:
Fig 1.9 – Soil resistance R2 (V2/I) and injection resistance R1 (V1/I) vs distance (X) along test traverse
Key data
Table 1.1 – Key measurements obtained with 137Hz square-wave excitation
V1/I/R1 injection C1C2; V2/R2 soil sample based on P1P2 potential and injected I
P1C1 static at 0 metres; P2C2 moved to each station in turn
(voltages and current are +/- value shown)
- The ‘inrush’ when injection is applied can be seen in the injection (V1, I) vs time plots (figs 1.2, 1.3), the differential potential plots (figs 1.,5, 1.6) and the derived resistance plot (fig 1.7).
- Even in relatively conductive soil conditions, when a small stony patch was encountered, +/- 50v injection was unable to inject 10 mA (fig 1.1, note e)
- Spikes or ringing in V2 (P1P2) occur at the leading edge of each reversal, significantly in excess of the proportions exhibited by the injection waveform (see part 2).
(a) Test location – 50m traverse, no edge effects, damp soil. Slight 50 Hz mains, plus electric fencing energiser effect, plus other stray / telluric current; background noise plots taken P1P2 at selected locations with no injection with, and without, mains on in nearby property (see part 2).
(b) Earth path distance - in the main ARMP use case (twin-probe grid-survey) with 0.5m probe separation and 20x10m grids, the shortest earth path P1C1 – P2C2 would be 15m and the max usually 50m; but in use case 2 (Wenner x, Schlumberger etc.) and use case 3 (profiling) the P1C1 – P2C2 distance can be down to a metre or less, so results captured from 1 to 50 metres. Stations at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50m.
(c) ‘Constant’ current – the HP 6826A amplifier, when in constant current mode, was not able to hold constant-current at single-figure mA. Therefore, to constrain the variables, the amplifier was operated in constant-voltage mode with the current manually adjusted to average the target current for each test location; so at each location the current was a nominal metered 10 mA, but, as can be seen from the plots, there was variation during the duration of each pulse due to the ‘inrush’ and polarisation; the derived resistance plots take account of this by using the measured rather than target current. At the 30m point, the ground was stony and the test struggled to inject more than 5 mA at +/- 55v.
(d) Injection performance – plots in part 2 include a control for each excitation using a fixed 4k7 resistor rather than the earth, to show amplifier performance, and effect of any mains ripple etc.
(e) Voltage limit – when the HP 6826A maxed-out at +/- 55v when trying to inject 10 mA at 30 metre location (shallow stony patch), a one-off trial attempt was made to continue using another higher-voltage constant-current source (Glassman LP100-12 constant-voltage and constant-current power supply) with external output reversal. 10 mA was eventually injected, but it took +/- 97v. The Glassman power supply (not an amplifier) takes up to 3-4 ms to stabilise after a load removal, so the reversal rate had to be slowed down (32 Hz was used).
Continued in part 2
DM 21 Aug 2020