In this blog I am giving insight about python Server which uses gesture data to control Google Earth using Google's python APIs. Before writing program you need to install Google python API package which is attached with this blog. Install this package as you install normally python package " install". Following is the python code snippet I am giving which does following job
1. Initiates TCP server over localhost with port numbe 5005.
2. Initiate Google earth APIs default variable value.
3. Reads Gesture data which comes over TCP port 5005 on localhost.
4. Parse that data in order to take specific action to google earth movement according to gesture.
5. Keep doing step 3 and 4 continuously.
import socket import win32com.client, time googleEarth = win32com.client.Dispatch("GoogleEarth.ApplicationGE") while not googleEarth.IsInitialized(): time.sleep(0.5) print "waiting for Google Earth to initialize" latitude=41.487942 # Latitude in degrees. Between -90 and 90. longitude=0#-81.6865 # Longitude in degrees. Between -180 and 180. to rotate the earth altitude=1000 # in meters tilt=0 # looking to the horizon=90, looking to the center of Earth=0 azimuth=370 # looking North=0, East=90, South=180, West=270 speed=0.5 # speed transition. must be >= 0, above 5.0 the transition is instantaneous range=0 # If not=0 camera will move backward from "range meters along the camera axis altMode=1 #Altitude mode that defines altitude reference origin (1=above ground, 2=absolute) focusDistance=10000000 #Zoom Value can be changed TCP_IP = '' TCP_PORT = 5005 BUFFER_SIZE = 20 # Normally 1024, but we want fast response s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT)) s.listen(1) conn, addr = s.accept() print 'Connection address:', addr while 1: data = conn.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) if not data: break #print "received data:", data #focusDistance=0 #data=0 if data == "DRIGHT": print "Right Direction longitude = ", longitude if longitude <= 180: longitude = longitude-10 if longitude == -180: longitude = 180 elif data == "DLEFT": if longitude >= -180: longitude = longitude+10 if longitude == 180: longitude = -180 print "Left Direction longitude = ", longitude elif data == "DUP": if tilt > 10: tilt = tilt - 10 if tilt == 0: tilt = 90 print "Up Direction tilt = ", tilt elif data == "DDOWN": if tilt < 90: tilt = tilt + 10 if tilt == 90: tilt = 0 print "Down Direction tilt = ", tilt elif data[0] == 'Z': print "Z data Direction" data = data[1:6] focusDistance = (int(data)) print 'focus_distance z = ', focusDistance #conn.send(data) #conn.close() googleEarth.SetCameraParams (latitude, longitude, altitude, altMode, focusDistance, tilt, azimuth, speed) cam=googleEarth.GetCamera(True) # returns a ICameraInfoGE object
I tried to write as neat as possible, still if anyone will have query just comment below, I will try to answer that. Also I am uploading the demo video which I was not able to upload last time due to some technical problem in website.
Kindly have a look at it.
I wish to create another application using this Kit, I hope I will demo it soon.
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