The Wishbone is a thermometer that doesn’t require touch (via Joywing Tech)
An app looking for support on Kickstarter is something every fledgling parent will adore. Joywing Tech is a start-up that has created a touch-less, smart thermometer called the Wishbone. The Wishbone plugs into the audio jack of your iPhone or Android and can give you the temperature of anything via their app.
For parents, this means that you don’t have to worry about sticking anything in your baby’s mouth or under their armpit as they cry and fuss. The Wishbone allows you to point it at their forehead and get an accurate reading on the Wishbone app in 2 seconds. For the best body temperature results , it needs to be pointing at the forehead and only 5 cm away. The Wishbone app also tracks temperature history so that you can keep an eye on how your little one is recovering from an illness.
Although the Wishbone is an obvious choice for parents, it has three different settings that make it a useful, multifunctional thermometer for just about anything. Also, the fact that it’s touch-free can quell any fears that the thermometer hasn’t been used to check temperatures in... well, particularly gross areas.
The Wishbone’s modes allow it to take the ambient temperature of your home or outdoors, body temperature, and object temperature. So, if you want to know the temperature of your baby’s bottle, for instance, you can change the mode, point the wishbone at the bottle and get an instant reading.
The Wishbone uses a passive infrared sensor (radiation free) to gauge body temperature without contact. There are other contact-less thermometers on the market but they don’t connect to your smartphone, and can take up 30 seconds to get a temperature reading. While the wishbone has two points (like a wishbone) only the longer stem contains the sensor which can swivel to get the best shot at your intended target. The other stem is where you place common button LR41 batteries to keep the Wishbone in working condition. The batteries are supposed to last a year.
The sensor is supposed to be able to gauge the temperature of anything between 32 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit. So, while it may work great for body temp, and judging the external temperature of your Thanksgiving turkey, it wouldn’t work so well in cold, snowy weather. The body-temp mode is accurate +/- 0.2 degrees Celsius (which is less than 1 degree Fahrenheit).
Overall, this is a simple gadget with an optimal design that takes the hassle out of temperature measurement. The Wishbone is expected to enter production in April, which means that you can expect to receive yours in late Spring. They are pretty cost effective as a pledge of $33 will ensure you get your very own Wishbone. They have already surpassed their pledge amount of $20,000 – having secured almost $89,000 with 22 days to go.
If you’re interested, take a look at their Kickstarter Campaign after the link.
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