Thanks to the 33622A AWG provided by Element 14 and Agilent for Review I now have the means to create and transmit frequencies up into the FM and AM Radio bands,
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The 33622A has the capability of generating a frequency right up to 120Mhz, easily beyond the range of most commercial FM radio receivers (88 to 108Mhz)
Initially I thought, just transmit a tone and maybe sweep it to test for frequency response of an audio amp or mixer stage as an example but given that the 33622A can output on 2 channels simultaneously and that both can be modulated from internal, external or each other and that this can be from a custom waveform or live signal, it should be possible to play almost any AM or FM signal and even broadcast that signal
Welcome to Radio E14 for a one time show and a one time great English Classic tune and cant believe I actually recorded the whole thing and posted it either (The worlds all going MAD MAD MAD)
OK, the nuts and bolts of it all....
It should be a simple matter to configure the 33622A to transmit on both AM and FM (Albeit over only a short distance of a few inches) to test and repair radios for example... so what do we need
Settings for Channel 1:- , pick a channel that is not used in my area (Important not to inadvertently annoy the locals even though I thought this was un-lightly... boy was I wrong )
1.414 VRMS output
Frequency Modulation
240Khz frequency deviation
External Modulation
1 Volt Modulation input
setting for channel 2:- pick a channel that is not used in my area (Important not to inadvertently annoy the locals even though I thought this was un-lightly)
740Khz frequency,
Amplitude Modulation ,
100% depth of modulation,
External Modulation
1V modulation input...
Antenna for 90.5Mhz is 3M for full wave length (Near enough) or 1.5M for half, Ill go with 1.5M
Antenna for 740Khz is 405M for full wave, ya right, so a short length of wire, ill keep the radio close
here is the connection diagram
Finally a catchy well know opening song for this one and only show... Of course, a British fav... CRAZY FROG, yes I really did
so here is the show
and the result... Success. The Agilent 33622A is truly a remarkable piece of equipment, everything I have tried to do with it has ultimately proven to be possible including acting as a test transmitter for both AM and FM frequency bands
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